writer & director, earned a Film Production Certificate from The New School, having a background in graphic design and writing. In 2019 she was accepted into the Yale Writers' Workshop, where she focused on her novel. Kiki worked in New York City as a graphic designer, holding positions at Time Inc. Publishing and Gannett Publications and freelancing for Barnes & Noble, BMG, Graj & Gustavsen, and a number of in-house design firms. Silent Notes is her first short film, and she is now at work on a her second short film, feature screenplay, stage play, and novel. She has experience on independent films sets as a producer, assistant director, art director, and as research assistant for the documentary Decade of Fire, featured on Apple TV Films.
director of photography, grew up in South Central Los Angeles and would go on to graduate with a Bachelor’s of Architecture from the University of Southern California. While at USC, he created short films in conjunction with the School of Cinema and the Roski School of Art. Upon graduation, Alex worked at the Los Angeles Mayor’s Office of Gang Reduction and Youth Development, where he started a creative writing and digital film program for the at-risk youth. Alex founded his film production company, Anatomica Films, in January 2010. Since then, Alex has worked on over 300 projects as a DP, Director, and Writer/Producer, and worked at Sony Pictures, Warner Bros, Lionsgate, Showtime, Microsoft, and USC. Alex currently resides in Los Angeles, where he is researching Xicané and indigenous futurity in the arts, culture, and society for a documentary project.


editor, after finishing the Film Production Certificate program at The New School, Jay joined CreativeChaos VMG as an Assistant Editor and eventually became the head of the postproduction department. He has worked on numerous documentaries at CreativeChaos, such as Thank You For Your Service, which covers the mental health crisis plaguing veterans returning from Iraq and Afghanistan, and This Changes Everything, which examined the current gender disparity in Hollywood and the history behind it. Recent projects include the Netflix music documentary Los Tigres del Norte at Folsom Prison and the HBO documentary Bleed Out. Jay is currently working on multiple projects, including one on gun violence and the history of trauma in the United States and the activism and fight for climate justice by Gen Z. For more on Jay Tan, link to his IMDb at: www.imdb.com/name/nm6783509/

composer, is based in New York, a graduate from Berklee College of Music with a Bachelor of Music in Professional Music. Later, while studying film at The New School, he began writing and recording original soundtracks for various independent film projects. During his work in film scoring, he also established his band, The Dye. Bruno is the The Dye’s composer and predominate songwriter, and under his creative management, the band has performed extensively at a number of NYC venues, including The Bitter End, The Bowery Electric, and The Delancey. With a win for best song, Tantric Pace, on Bob Cesca Show, Indie Music Countdown, The Dye is currently mixing their second LP, Painting The New Night, with Grammy Award winning producer, Damon Whittemore. As a recording artist, Bruno has composed two albums, Les Illuminations and Le Femme Invisible, both released in mid-2020. More information on Bruno and The Dye can be found at: brunoarredondo.com & thedyesound.com

interpreter, is a nationally certified ASL-English interpreter and creative artist. He has had the pleasure of interpreting plays and musicals for audiences on Broadway, off-Broadway, and regionally for years. Craig is also especially grateful to work regularly with some of NYC, LA, and DC's most talented Deaf artists in auditions, rehearsal rooms, on sets, and beyond. When not interpreting, he enjoys working on his own creative projects like the ASL-English sitcom Don't Shoot the Messenger on YouTube (@TheMessengerASL). For information about Craig, link to: www.craigfogel.com